final_ISPAD2013 Sponsorship Prospectus
Sponsorship Prospectus | International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes
Sponsorship Booking Form
Please fill in electronically, print and sign.
Company Name
Postal Code City Country
Phone Fax
Contact Person
Please select one of the options below:
O Exhibition Space
Booth Size in m² Preferred Dimensions
Preferred Level: O Platinum Sponsor O Gold Sponsor O Silver Sponsor
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Total Amount in Euro
Please return this form to the ISPAD 2013 Conference Secretariat. Kindly note the General Terms & Conditions at the back of this brochure which apply for all exhibition and sponsorship agreements. Also note that your booking form is binding, but that your requested options must be confirmed by the Conference Secretariat in writing to become effective.
ISPAD 2012 Conference Secretariat c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH Association & Conference Management Kurfürstendamm 71 - 10709 Berlin - Germany Fax. +49 30 24603200 Email:
Date, Place Signature
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