final_ISPAD2013 Sponsorship Prospectus
October 16th – 19th, 2013 | Gothenburg, Sweden
Sponsorship Opportunties
3. Conference Materials All prices and amounts have been calculated on the basis of 1.300 expected participants unless otherwise stated. If these numbers should rise, then higher costs or a higher number of pieces will be necessary from the Sponsor. Delivery information for items that must be provided by the Sponsor will be provided by the Conference Secretariat in due time.
Conference Bags Pieces: 1.300 Price:
4.000 EUR (plus production costs)
All participants will receive a Conference Bag. The bag can feature your company’s name and logo (in addition to the Conference Logo and title and not larger). Design must be submitted to the ISPAD Conference Secretariat for approval. Production and delivery to the Conference Center is to be arranged through the Sponsor. Please contact us if you would like us to make you an offer for production and delivery.
Notepads & Pens Pieces: 1.300 Price: 3.000 EUR
Sponsor’s Logo on the Notepads and Pens Notepads and Pens will be included in every Conference Bag.
Design must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat for approval. All material must be provided and delivered directly by the Sponsor. Delivery details will provided at a later date.
Concerence Bag Inserts Pieces: 1.300 Price: 2.000 EUR
Insert a leaflet, invitation to your Session/Exhibition Booth or information brochure into all Conference Bags.
Layout must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat for approval. Material must be provided and delivered directly by the Sponsor. Delivery details will be provided at a later stage.
All prices are net prices and will be subject to VAT.
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